Samsung Sales Statistics – Market Share, Revenue (2024)

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Are you looking for Samsung sales statistics, market share, and revenue information? Here we provide the up-to-date Samsung sales stats.

Samsung is a prominent player in the tech industry, with a leading market share in the global smartphone market. In 2022, Samsung sold almost 260 million smartphones worldwide. 

As of the third quarter of 2023, Samsung’s global smartphone market share was around 24.22%, with Apple being its closest competitor. 

Samsung’s revenue is divided into several segments, with mobile devices significantly contributing. In the first quarter of 2023, Samsung’s mobile business reported revenue of ₩30.74 trillion, about $26.3 billion. Samsung’s resources make up about 20% of Korea’s GDP.

Understanding Samsung's Market Share

Market share is a key indicator of a company’s competitiveness, representing the percentage of an industry’s total sales generated by a particular company. 

It is calculated by taking the company’s sales over a period and dividing it by the total industry sales. 

Market share is significant as it illustrates a company’s dominance and competitiveness in a given field, influencing its operations, share performance, scalability, and pricing strategies.

Samsung’s Market Share Across Different Product Categories

Samsung semiconductor market revenue worldwide

Comparison with Competitors

Samsung’s market share is often compared with its competitors, such as Chinese smartphone makers and Apple. In 2022, Samsung’s chief rival Apple was expected to end up with a smartphone market share of 17.2%.

These statistics provide insights into Samsung’s market share across different product categories and its position relative to its competitors.

Exploring Samsung's Sales Figures


Historical Perspective

Samsung’s sales figures have fluctuated over the years. In the second quarter of 2023, Samsung reported a larger-than-anticipated 22% decline in sales to 60 trillion won ($46 billion), which was its worst decline in quarterly revenue since at least 2009

However, in 2022, Samsung Electronics generated a revenue of roughly 234 billion US dollars, most of which came from its mobile communication segment.

Samsung Electronics - statistics & facts

Breakdown of Sales by Product Lines and Geographic Regions

Samsung’s sales figures can be broken down by product lines and geographic regions. 

According to Tridens Technology, Samsung’s revenue in 2023 was generated from various product lines, including mobile phones, semiconductors, and home appliances. In terms of geographic regions, Samsung has a global presence, with significant sales in Asia, Europe, and North America.

Factors Contributing to Fluctuations in Sales Figures

Various factors can contribute to fluctuations in Samsung’s sales figures. For example, in 2023, Samsung’s sales figures were impacted by a slump in the memory chip sector. 

Additionally, competition from other companies, changes in consumer preferences, and global economic conditions can also affect Samsung’s sales figures.

Unveiling Samsung's Revenue Streams


Revenue Streams of Samsung

Samsung generates revenue through various streams, including:

  1. Product Sales: Revenue comes from the sale of smartphones, appliances, computing devices, and displays. 
  2. Semiconductor Components: Sales of semiconductors and electronic components contribute to a significant portion of Samsung’s revenue.
  3. Services: Revenue is generated from services like Samsung Pay and cloud storage.
  4. Licensing and Patents: Samsung earns revenue by licensing its intellectual property and patents.
  5. B2B Solutions: Sales of business solutions and services to enterprises.
  6. Advertising: Advertising on Samsung’s platforms and products generates revenue.
  7. After-Sales Services: Revenue from after-sales services.

Impact of Flagship Product Launches on Revenue

Flagship product launches, especially in the mobile communication segment, have a substantial impact on Samsung’s revenue. In 2022, most of Samsung Electronics’ revenue came from its mobile communication segment.

Trends and Insights from Samsung’s Revenue Data

  • In 2021, Samsung’s revenue was over $240 billion, with the largest sales coming from the device solutions (DS) segment, which generated $109.33 billion in net sales.
  • The company’s revenue increased from over $203 billion in 2020 to over $240 billion in 2021.
  • Samsung’s revenue is derived from diverse product divisions, including consumer electronics, semiconductor components, and digital services.
Samsung Sale statistics and revenue
Source: TechBehemoths

These insights provide a comprehensive understanding of Samsung’s revenue streams, the impact of flagship product launches, and the trends derived from its revenue data.

Factors Influencing Samsung's Performance


Market Trends Affecting Samsung’s Performance

Samsung’s market performance is influenced by various factors, including market trends. The company’s strengths lie in its strong global brand, expertise in semiconductors and electronics manufacturing, and synergistic support among its divisions or subsidiaries. 

However, Samsung faces weaknesses such as dependence on the Android OS and the lack of a competitive comprehensive platform for hardware, software, and services. These internal factors can impact its sales, revenue, and market share.

Technological Advancements and Innovation

Samsung’s position is significantly impacted by technological advancements and innovation. 

The company’s revenue is generated through diverse product divisions, including consumer electronics, semiconductor components, and digital services. 

Its competitive focus on innovation, quality, diversification, and technological leadership ensures its position as a prominent player in the technology industry.

Competitive Landscape

The competitive landscape also plays a crucial role in influencing Samsung’s performance metrics. 

The company’s SWOT analysis indicates that its brand is one of the most competitive in the global market, rivaling some of the biggest names in the industry, such as Apple, Google, and Sony. 

Samsung’s ability to grow and expand is supported by its strong global brand, but it also faces challenges from intense competition and legal and regulatory scrutiny.

Samsung’s performance is influenced by a combination of internal and external factors, including market trends, technological advancements, and the competitive landscape. These factors collectively impact the company’s sales, revenue, and market share.

Challenges and Opportunities for Samsung


Challenges Faced by Samsung

  1. Increased Competition: Samsung faces fierce competition in various business segments, especially in consumer electronics and semiconductors. Competitors like Apple, Google, and emerging players continuously challenge Samsung’s market share, pricing, and innovation.
  2. Changing Consumer Preferences: Shifting consumer preferences poses a challenge to Samsung. The company needs to adapt to evolving consumer demands to maintain its market position.
  3. Geopolitical Factors: Geopolitical dynamics can impact Samsung’s operations and market access, posing challenges to its global expansion and market share.
  4. Product Failures and Quality Control: Samsung has experienced product quality issues, such as the Galaxy Note 7 battery incident, which have eroded consumer confidence and trust in the company.

Opportunities for Growth and Strategies

  1. Emerging Markets: Samsung is expected to further expand into emerging markets and solidify its position in established markets. Diversification and acquisitions in untapped markets present growth opportunities for the company.
  2. Innovation and Emerging Technologies: Samsung can capitalize on emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things (IoT), and 5G to develop innovative products and consolidate its market position.
  3. Diversification and Acquisitions: To avoid being limited to one marketplace, Samsung can expand its customer base through diversification and acquisitions of other businesses, especially in Asian and European economies.
  4. Strategic Partnerships: The company can exploit strategic partnerships to strengthen its competitive position in the international market for consumer electronics and related technologies.

Potential Impacts of Emerging Technologies

Samsung’s focus on emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, IoT, and 5G presents opportunities for the development of innovative products and the consolidation of its market position. 

Additionally, the company’s expertise in semiconductors and electronics manufacturing positions it to benefit from the continued growth and evolution of the semiconductor industry.

While Samsung faces challenges from increased competition, changing consumer preferences, and geopolitical factors, it is well-equipped to seize opportunities for growth through expansion into emerging markets, innovation in emerging technologies, and strategic partnerships. 

The company’s ability to navigate these challenges and capitalize on opportunities will significantly influence its future performance.



Key Statistical Insights

Significance in Samsung’s Position as a Tech Leader


The numbers underscore Samsung’s robust performance and market dominance across various sectors. 

The company’s consistent sales and revenue growth, particularly in its semiconductor and mobile divisions, reaffirm its position as a leading technology conglomerate. 

Samsung’s substantial market share in smartphones and semiconductors further solidifies its status as a key player in the global tech industry.

Relevance of Ongoing Statistical Analysis

Continued statistical analysis is vital for understanding Samsung’s trajectory. It provides insights into the company’s evolving market position, competitive strength, and technological advancements. 

By monitoring sales, revenue, and market share data, stakeholders can make informed decisions, anticipate industry trends, and identify opportunities for growth and innovation within Samsung’s diverse business portfolio.

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